
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 14:35:49
1.一个中心,两个基本点 2.他们每两个人有10苹果 3.他三句话不离本行 4.你不该对此说三道四 5.每次我们闲聊时他十有八九都谈到你

1.One central task(of economic construction)and two focal (or Basic)points(of adhering to the four cardinal principles and the policies of reform, opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy)
就是:one central task and tow focal points.

2.Two of you(By twos) in them has ten apples.

3.talk shop
或talk shop all the time

dish the dirt或full of hat air
You shouldn't to say anything about it.

5.Every time we chat together ,eight or nine chances in ten(nine times out of ten) he must speak of you.
或It is most probably that he will mention you when we are in small talk.